Friday, July 20, 2007

Dissertation thesis

Dissertation thesis writing is a very high standard form of academic writing. Students as well as teachers take this form of writing seriously. The term ‘Dissertation thesis’ tells you two things. The first is that it is a dissertation, and the second is that it is thesis writing. Therefore, the emphasis is greater on every aspect of this form of writing.

A Dissertation thesis is not something you can produce overnight. It is a painstaking process that requires careful research, thought and writing. There are several steps that you need to take in order to create a high standard Dissertation thesis. The usual introduction, main body and conclusion alone will simply not do. You need to apply a research method to this form of writing.

For writing a Dissertation thesis, you require some if not all of the following parts:
Title Page, Table of Contents, Abstract, Acknowledgement, Introduction, Aims, Objectives, Thesis, Methodology, Literature Review, Analysis, Conclusion, References, and Appendices. Each part takes considerable time to put together. This is why you need to plan your schedule out for writing your Dissertation thesis.

You must realize that your Dissertation thesis is not a dissertation that you create out of one research assignment. Often, researchers will require a proposal to start with. Once that is approved, you go on to write your dissertation. Once your dissertation is approved for further research, you will be convinced of your direction of research. You may need to conduct few more studies before you come up with enough evidence to form your thesis. This is when you can start writing your Dissertation thesis.

Ideally, your Dissertation thesis will require you to take into consideration all that you have researched. Throughout planning and writing your Dissertation thesis, you need to keep in mind the evidence that you discovered through your initial proposal and subsequent dissertations. Additionally, your search for pertinent matter that will support your thesis is crucial.

You need to find as much evidence as there is to prove your Dissertation thesis. When you use the matter you have searched up for your Dissertation thesis, you must reference and cite their sources thoroughly. Failure to do so will cause your thesis to lose credibility.

To write your Dissertation thesis, you will basically need to follow your thesis itself along with your arguments and supporting facts. You will need to conduct a literature review that primarily presents what other scholars say. This is your foundation, and your analysis will rely on it. In addition to this, you will have your primary research to include. Both these forms of data will take you into the analysis and conclusion of your Dissertation thesis.

Concluding your Dissertation thesis can be a lengthy process, as you will have to make sure that you include all the necessary arguments. These will help you to re-state your thesis, which will wind up your assignment. This, however, does not end your work with your Dissertation thesis, as there are many finer points that you will need to produce and adjust, such as generating a table of contents, and formatting each page so that the whole assignment is presentable.

The article was produced by the writer of
Sharon White is a senior writer and writers consultant at Dissertation writing. Get some useful tips for
dissertation proposal and
dissertation thesis.
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Choosing Speakers

So you have just been made responsible for developing the best-ever program for your next corporate function. Perhaps it's a trade show. Perhaps it's a conference. It might be a company meeting or a product launch. Whatever the event, you don't know where to start. Before doing anything, understand that your program will stand or fall on

- The audience
- The purpose of the meeting
- The topics of the sessions
- The presenters or speakers

The audience and the purpose of the meeting will determine the topics, and all three will determine who your speakers should be.

"But David, shouldn't we hire the biggest name possible – the speaker with the biggest 'star appeal'?"

Not necessarily. If the main purpose of your speaker is to draw attendance, then you want the biggest name possible for one of your slots – a Jerry Seinfeld or Jay Leno or Nicole Kidman or maybe an ex-President.

However, you will still need many other speakers. Star appeal is a powerful factor, but there are more important factors:

How well does he or she know the topic you need addressed? Often a respected but decidedly "unfamous" expert is a better pick than someone out of Hollywood. You can learn a lot about speakers by reviewing their biographies online. As an example, here is As an example, here is the online bio of Brandi Chastian.

How well can the speaker learn to understand your audience? This is important, since the speaker might already have addressed a similar audience. Or he might be willing to take the time to understand who your audience is and what their experiences have been. Or maybe not. A key question to ask..."Will you arrive early enough to be briefed about what has already transpired at our event, so that you can work it into your speech?" Then write it into the speaker's contract.

How well does the speaker speak? This is important because the most famous person who has just discovered the cure for cancer or won a dozen gold medals at the Olympics might not be able to utter an intelligible word. Make sure the famous speaker or recognized expert can really speak well. Ask to see a real video at a real speaking engagement. Even better, take the speaker for a test drive. Ask to attend an upcoming speaking engagement.

What is the speaker's speaking style? Not every speaker matches your audience. Some audiences and some topics call for an energetic motivational style. Others call for a more informative style. Some audiences will react better to a laid-back style. To be sure, boring is out, no matter what the audience, but there are different styles that can engage an audience, but not all of them will work with every audience.

Ask for references you can call...references with similar audience characteristics. Then make the call and ask what went well and what could have been improved. If something did not go well, it could be a sign that the speaker is not ideal, or it could be an indication of something you need to do to make sure she or he is ideal.

Is the speaker willing to provide an outline of the speech ahead of time? It is important for you to know what the speaker will cover and to make suggestions if necessary. It's your program and you know what needs to be covered.

Is the speaker willing to go the extra mile? Sometimes the best speaker is the one who will commit to staying an hour after the event to answer questions from shy participants or from those with long-winded or multi-part questions. Or a speaker, especially one who is already well-known, can add value by greeting people as they enter the hall. Or perhaps they can also add some excitement to a spouses' program.

Of course, budget is always important. If you need to pay for a dozen speakers with a limited budget, don't try to book Dr. Phil for one of your slots. You can do a quick search for speakers by fee range at All American Speakers Bureau to start your budget planning.

A speakers bureau can help you navigate many of these issues, both more quickly and more effectively than you can yourself. Once you make known your concerns and questions, the speakers bureau can quickly pull out those speakers most likely to fit your needs and respond to your demands.

Choosing the right speaker is critical, if you want your audience to walk away feeling that they have gained something from the event. Take the time to ask the right questions and hire the right speaker.


David Leonhardt is a freelance writer and website marketing consultant. He works with All American Celebrity Speakers Bureau and with GMG Olympic athlete speakers and endorsements.
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Custom Essay

Custom essays are considered to be very tough for students. But if the students were guided in the right direction writing custom essays would not have been a tough task for them. Practice also plays a major role in writing custom essays. Today students lack the patience to practice the same thing again and again. They want to please their instructors but don’t realize that this not possible until and unless they practice hard.

In a custom essay, just like any other forms of writing, writing the first paragraph is the most difficult and time taking task. Once the first paragraph or the introduction gets through, the body and conclusion automatically follows. The first paragraph of the custom essay should be able to grab the reader’s attention and force him to read the entire piece of writing. If the first paragraph begins with anecdotes, examples, statistics or quotations then reading becomes interesting for the reader. If the reader gets interested he is sure to finish the essay in one go otherwise he might just throw a hurried glance over it.

The custom essay writer can only achieve this if the thesis statement is clear in his mind.
If the writer were able to think clearly his clarity of thought would obviously get transferred on paper. So the custom essay writer should always try to make his thesis precise and clear.

In a custom essay, action verbs and adjectives play major attention catchers. If these things are lacking in the essay then the instructor looses interest and his lack of interest gets transferred to the grades the student is getting. Thus to get good grades, the trick is to make it very lively.

The custom essay should be organized and well planned. Though the student has interesting points to discuss, his custom essay would not leave an everlasting impact until and unless the ideas are put in an easy to follow format. The paragraphs should be strong and one paragraph should deal with only one point.

Custom essays that are free of misspelled words and grammatical errors have better readability chances. It is very irritating for an instructor to go through a piece of writing which is full of mistakes. In such circumstances even if the custom essay is well constructed, the consistency gets destructed.

In custom essay, it is not difficult for the instructor to find out that it has been written in a hurry. Students fear writing custom essays so much that they keep on postponing it till the deadline is near. Sometimes they find the topic or the subject so boring that they don’t feel like working on it. The only way to escape such situations is to choose an interesting topic or find an interesting angle to the boring topic.

Custom essay writing can be made interesting if a student understands how much benefit it does to his thinking and analytical skills. With the tips that are provided above and a little practice every student can conquer the monster called custom essay.
Gabriel Rise is an expert writer at custom essay writing and a writing counseling department expert at college essay writing. The assistance of their writers is an invaluable input in your future professional is dedicated to providing a critical essay writing service that is both top-quality and affordable.
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College essay

Writing college essays is the most dreaded part of a college student’s life. But if a college student follows a few simple tips and practice diligently then he can excel in this field and earn good grades. For those who love reading, putting their viewpoints on paper is not a tough task. But otherwise too, this is not a tough nut to crack. Here is how you can do it.

Every essay deals with a particular topic. Choosing a topic is one of the most time consuming part of essay writing. You can choose any topic that you feel strongly about. If your instructor has given a topic to you then your task becomes much easier. Just proceed to the next step. Make a list of all the ideas that comes to your mind. Write the thesis statement on the strongest point. Base the introduction or the opening paragraph of your college essay around the thesis statement.

After the college essay’s introduction is ready, choose the other points in order of importance and elaborate them in separate paragraphs. If the information or the ideas that you are sharing with the reader were not presented in this manner then your college essay would not rise in its readability level. This would naturally affect your grades, as loosely written points do not impress the instructors. So make the body of your essay very impressive.

While writing college essays, many students do not give as much importance to the conclusion as they give to the introduction and body of the essay. This is not the right way of essay writing. The conclusion has the same importance as the introduction and the body. This is the portion where you can restate your observations and viewpoints and leave a lasting impact on the reader. So the conclusion should be well written too. Just add the finishing touches to the essay now and your college essay is ready. Check the grammatical errors and spelling mistakes if any. These careless mistakes mar the consistency of the essay.

No matter how well written a college essay is, if you do not abide by the word limit given to you by your instructor you are sure to loose marks. Therefore while framing your essay keep a strict vigilance on the number of words you are writing. If you find that you have exceeded the word limit then try to cut short the words without missing on the important points. Even if you have not been provided a word limit try to keep your essay short and simple. Too lengthy college essays adversely affect the interest level of the reader.

College essays are an integral part of the learning process in a student’s life.. Through the college essays the instructor judges the student’s thought process and writing capabilities. The students should not look at the college essays as a means of just pleasing the instructor in order to get good grades but also as an essential channel of academic excellence.
Gabriel Rise is an expert writer at custom essay writing and a writing counseling department expert at college essay writing. The assistance of their writers is an invaluable input in your future professional is dedicated to providing a contrast essay writing service that is both top-quality and affordable.
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Editor's Report on Getting Your Article Published

After you do all the research, writing and rewriting, you want to be sure your article gets published. No one wants their hard work to be rejected, right?

As an editor for an on-line directory, I can tell you that I read a lot of articles that never get published. That means that they don't get read, which means it won't generate the traffic you've worked for with all your effort. That also means the cleverly crafted link in your resource area will be worthless.

So how do you get your article published and read? Here are some tips:

1. Write a Great Title

Your title needs to be coherent. By that, I mean it must make sense. Having said that, though, I've read some good articles whose title didn't really give away the content. Far from putting me off, it actually piqued my curiosity to read the article!

But if you can't be clever, be clear. Your title should be descriptive and contain your keywords. The title of any document should tell the reader what they can expect from the piece.

2. Write an Interest Generating Summary

This is absolutely necessary if you come up with some clever title that while interesting, doesn't give away the content of your article. An interesting summary will give a short synopsis of your article and persuade the visitor to read it. A good way to generate interest in your article is to ask the questions that the targeted reader would be asking. Then tell them they'll find answers to their questions in your article.

3. Write a Useful Article

Articles that help the reader understand are the most useful articles. Believe me, you know more than you think you do and there are a lot of people out there who would benefit from your knowledge. If you're in business, this is even more true.

What may seem like second nature to you, a subject you are really passionate about (really interested in) is what others want to learn, or learn more about. Visitors to article directories are a hugely varied demographic. There are visitors who want to find out how to throw a bridal shower, and visitors who are looking for information on a health issue or disease. Still others are looking for a quick answer to an immediate question such as how to clip their cat's claws.

When making a number of points in your article, use numbered items to break the information down easily for the reader.

4. Submit Your Article Properly

While I edit for a general content directory, many of my colleagues do not. Their article sites are very focused and so they do not accept articles that are not written for their target audience.

I'm not saying do not submit to directories of a general nature, I'm saying submit to the proper niche directories as well as long as your article fits the niche. If you have an article on great wines, submitting to a health article directory is just a waste of time. Yours and the editors!

5. Always, Always, Always Edit Your Own Article

Editors despise misspellings and poor grammar. They don't want to publish something that makes them look bad, like a poorly written article. By all means, use a spell-checker in your favorite text editor, but it is imperative to re-read your article before sending it off for submission. You'll catch many mistakes before you submit. My biggest peeves as an editor are things like "your" when it should be "you're".

Writing and submitting articles is a time consuming task, but one that can reap huge benefits if done properly. Do yourself and article editors a favor and follow these tips to get your article published and read.


Cindy Dykstra is a web designer and developer and owns an article directory providing you with free content to use on your web site, blog, ezine or newsletter. Free article submission and RSS feeds too!
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Why Translation Can be Difficult

Do you sometimes wonder why certain materials are badly translated? One of these reasons why translation is difficult is a phenomenon known as polysemy: the many meanings that a single word can take.

For example, In English, the word plain can take on the following meanings:

ordinary / undecorated: a plain white shirt
easy / simple to understand: plain English
a level area of land: great plains

Due to polysemy, translating English into other languages is more complex than it seems. One will have to know which sense of the word is truly needed.

For example, there are over 20 ways to saying "to get" in French. This is because there are multiple meanings of "get" that are used in English, but the French must use a different word for each of those meanings. This concept isn't that obvious, but this can give translators some trouble.

At basic levels of French, most are taught the verb obtenir ("to get"). But which sense of the word "get" is really used here? Obtenir is used when something is acquired (it looks like the English word obtain). A different word must be used if you want "get" to take on a different meaning.

In each of the following sentences "get" takes a different meaning:

I need to get some bread. (buy)
I get the idea. (understand)
We need to get home. (arrive)

This is just one word out of many which can cause translation difficulty. One must study the context carefully and do not try to translate word for word, or even worse, rely on an automated translator. Translation done by a machine can produce very awkward and often hilarious results which make no sense at all. Automatic translators are only useful for giving a brief overview (the gist of what is being said) of the main ideas being discussed. How will a machine translator know which sense of a word is being used, especially if that word has many homonyms? Looking at the context (or surrounding words) is somewhat useful, but it is not always fool-proof. Only a human being can determine what the best translation is.

John Xavier is a freelance writer and student of linguistics and language. Find out more information on language and linguistics at The Linguistics Zone blog.
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Mandiana Customs scam, night in the Savannah, Barrages de Selingui, Mali

Tags: Mandiana, Guinea Customs, Niani, Selingui, Mali, Niger
Once dawn breaks I am up again, trying to locate the facilities of this shabby place I spent the night. The couple with the motorcycle episode still on my mind, I find my way to the washroom, and what a washing room it is.
There is flowing water however and I have my shower under the fresh morning sky, the cold water from the well helps me to clear my mind at once. I have a difficult task ahead of me, and I need lots of luck to get my merchandise out of the customs clutches. So mad the whole story sounds, no one would ever imagine the agonizing moments I go through with these officials. Like leeches they prey on their targets, remorseless their approach to empty your pockets.
The night before I visited the local hawkers and to my astonishment I found quiet palatable food. Without a meal the whole day I longed for a dinner, and I found it in form of a decent Spaghetti Bolognaise, and some 'sauce 'd arachides' a peanut butter based sauce with stewed rice. Amazingly, the dishes were of agreeable taste, and reasonably cheap.
The appointment is set to 80.00 AM and I drive up to the main junction that links the western border Bougoula, with the northern and eastern route, to Kankan and Niani. The customs building is a simple tin roof thatched house, but the main negotiating room is on its left, and is comprised of a raw concrete floor, some wooden chairs, and a grass covered rooftop, open to all sites, so that the traffic can be observed. Whatever passes through here, is subject to pay road tax, in one way or another. The capital is far and here the officials can act as they see fit.
The night before I drove up to the main junction, the Customs officials on duty sitting near a bonfire in one of the huts erected to control vehicles that pass through here. I was asked to report the next morning, having no choice I will follow the order. Again the officer who we found at the entry point to Mandiana tells me that I do not have valid car papers, and thus adds to my already big problem..
I drive up the yard, and after the initial exchanges of welcoming : 'bienvenue', the officials, three of them, begin their process. All eyes are focused on the big Renault articulator, now parked at the side, under scrutiny of the customs. They will not let go of this truck till they receive their share The one in charge appears, with the copy of the transit invoice in his hand and tells me the amount involved. The figure is somewhat less than at the Bougoula border, but it is still beyond my acceptable figure
When I insist that the value on the invoice is incorrect, the official displays the transit documents, and I realize the blunder made by my own staff. The valuation on the documents contained an error, committed by the Ivorian Customs. The whole crew of the truck has by now assembled around the vehicle and I request the original invoice issued by our company back in Ghana. Here the amount is a complete different amount, and I produce it as evidence. Seeing an opportunity slip by, the man in beige now tries to be stubborn. I am now in full steam and ask him to physically check the load instead. Upon his instruction a few bales loaded are released and the weight is being taken. By multiplying the number of packages he derives at the figure on my invoice. This solves the puzzle and he grins. We know the icebreaker worked. We have all settled into the straw- hut and two official in a hammock are explaining the procedures, and warning of the 'brigade', the customs flying squad that seizes all goods that are not properly declared. All to intimidate us and to find ways to extract more money.
Once the final calculation comes out we are to pay in the region of 3000 US Dollars, still high but of course much less than the previous figure. Now it comes to the finals, the crew is invited to have lunch with the officials, I politely refuse indicating to my stomach. They withdraw behind the house to .savor he local specialty 'cailler'. When I see the fermented milk, with thousand flies swarming around it, and the sugar being added in large amounts, I return to the point of the vehicle, finding a place in the shadow under a large Acacia tree and wait for further developments. I feel the deal is nearly done. With the meal over, the people return to prepare the final release documents. Without telling anyone in the group I know I have a most important meeting to attend in Europe, after 3 days in Prague to be precise. How I will reach there I don't know. We are in the middle of the bush, no airport, only rough roads leading into three different directions, one of which is towards the north to Mali, and I know that I will have to take this route. I urge to conclude the deal, already 10 days have passed since the truck has entered Bougoula border (Encounter at dusk, part II). With a few twitches in the final figure we agree to the amount. Now all the attention is on how much money everyone will collect from the deal. Smiling faces abound, I realize we are done. I am preparing to depart, handing over the amount to the woman in charge of the consignment, to be paid against official receipt. And with the new friends made waving goodbye, I set off towards Niani, the border with Mali. The time is 15.00 PM, and I have to drive approx 300 km through Savannah road to reach the border town, also know to be a smuggler's haven.
Continued : Night in the Mali savannah .
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